Jet formation
We show that the mechanism behind the formation of the fast, almost needle-like liquid jet is reminiscent of the violent jets of fluidized metal created during the explosion “of lined cavities” in military and mining operations, see Gekle et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 034502 (2009). We obtain quantitative agreement between our simulations (Figure 1), experiments, and analytical model. Our theory is furthermore applicable to liquid jets formed after the pinch-off of a bubble from an underwater nozzle. A second analytical model allows us to predict the entire shape of the jet itself – including its breakup into droplets at the jet tip.
Figure 1: The vertical material acceleration az = Dvz/Dt at t/T0 = 0.028 is confined to a small region around the jet base. The pinch-off location at (0,0) lies too deep to influence the jetting process beyond the first instants after pinch-off.
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Info: Devaraj van der Meer