Research overview

The Physics of Fluids group works on a variety of aspects in fluid mechanics, in particular on those related to bubbles. The focus of our work is the fundamental understanding of the phenomena of the physics of fluids, bubbles and jets, which we undertake by experimental, numerical, and theoretical means. Our research is also embedded in the Research Institute for Biomedical Technology and Technical Medicine (TechMed) of the University of Twente and the J.M. Burgers research centre for fluid mechanics (JMBC). The group receives external research funds mainly from FOM, but also from STW, NWO, SenterNovem, EU and several industrial partners.

Some of the research areas of the Physics of Fluids group are:
In addition we would like you to see some of the facilities in our group, and have a look at our spin-offs.

Max Planck Gesellschaft
4TU Precision Medicine
Centre for Scientific Computing