ERC Proof of Concept grant for Alvaro Marin: Novel technology for detecting and identifying traces of micro and nano plastics in consumable water
Micro and nano plastics are everywhere: in the air, in seas and rivers, in soil, and in plants and animals. The use of plastics in various products is increasing their concentration. The growing presence of micro- and nano plastics in water is a growing problem worldwide. While there is no complete clarity on the harmfulness of these plastics to humans and the environment, there are serious concerns among scientists. UT researcher Dr Alvaro Marin, who is an associate professor in the Physics of Fluids group in the University of Twente’s Faculty of Science and Technology (TNW) is working with colleagues on a technology for detecting and identifying traces of micro and nano plastics in consumable water.
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Max Planck Gesellschaft
4TU Precision Medicine
Centre for Scientific Computing