Daniel Bonn (UVA, Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
- Salt crystalisation
- Impact droplets
- Fragmentation
- Emulsion Destabilisation
Mickaël Bourgoin (CNRS, ENS de Lyon, Univ Lyon, France)
- Lagrangian Turbulence
- Turbulent transport of particles and fields
- Dense suspensions of particles
- Active and drifting particles in complex flows
- Fluid structure interactions
- Aerodynamics
- Magnetic particles in fluids and granular media
Lydia Bourouiba (MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States of America)
- Interfacial flows
- Fluid fragmentation and droplet formation
- Turbulence and multiphase flows
- Mixing, transport, and pathogen deposition and contamination
- Hydrodynamic instabilities and waves
- Viscoelastic and biological fluids
Filippo Coletti (ETH, Zürich, Switzerland)
- Dispersed multiphase flows
- Bio-fluid mechanics
Leif Ristroph (NYU Courant Institute, New York City, New York, United States of America)
- Fluid-structure interactions
- Biophysical flows
- Shape-evolution during melting
Javier Rodríguez Rodríguez (UC3, Madrid, Spain)
- Mass transfer processes involving bubbles (Physics of Beer, bubble dissolution, etc.)
- Vortex dynamics
- Interaction of bubbles and sound fields, with applications to the medical and oil industries
- Locomotion of soft animals (cells, snails…)
Thomas Salez (CNRS, University of Bordeaux, and Hokkaido University)
- Glass transition at interfaces
- Thin polymer films
- Soft lubrication
- Capillarity of soft solids
- Friction in complex assemblies
Olga Shishkina (MPIDS, Göttingen, Germany)
- Theory of turbulent convection
Roberto Zenit (Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, United States of America)
- Two-phase flows
- Biological Flows
- The fluid mechanics of artistic painting