Complex Motion in Fluids 2022

10th summer school Complex Motion in Fluids

Welcome to the tenth Complex Motion in Fluids Summer School held at the Resort Bad Boekelo in Boekelo, Twente, Netherlands, in Sunday 28 of August to Friday 2 September 2022. This year the school is organized by the University of Twente (NL) in collaboration with Cambridge University (UK), Ecole Polytechnique (F) and the Technical University of Denmark, in continuation of the renowned summer school previously held in Kysthusene Gilleleje, Denmark.

Complex Motion

Complex Motion


The summer school features eight fluid dynamicists of name and fame, each of whom will give two lectures on topical fluid dynamical subjects, on an introductory level for PhD students (see program). The idea is to convey a broad spectrum of fluid dynamics subjects in an informal atmosphere, fostering interaction between the PhD students. The summer school is open to PhD students and postdocs from all over the world. Traditionally, all attendees are presenting their own research either in a 12-minutes contributed talk or at one of the two poster sessions.

How to apply

Applications for participation in 2022 summer school are welcome until May 15th (2022) on the apply page. The acceptance and payment instructions will be communicated in early June. If you already applied before April 2021, you should have received instructions from us to renew your application. The number of participants is limited, so there will be a selection to get a good balance between participants from various groups, fields, and countries. Early application is favourable.


Organizers: Co-organizers: